Made New in Jesus

Baptisms are highlight moments at FAC. On September 25/25, we celebrated together as 15 individuals from our church family publicly declared their faith in Jesus through baptism! Because of Christ, we are a new creation, just like it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

Let’s thank God together as we read the stories of those who found new life in Jesus and have made the decision to build their lives to honour Him:


“Since I was little, I’ve been going to church with my parents, learning to pray and read the Bible. As I grew, I slowly began to understand that being a Christian meant seeking and developing a personal relationship with Jesus. I wanted to walk with Jesus but wasn’t sure how to start. So, when I was about 10 years old, I began to have my own quiet times with God- something I had seen my mom do many times. These quiet times always gave me a sense of peace that could only come from God, and it made me desire to know God more.

When I was 11, I decided to give my life to Christ. My mom prayed with me, and I was so happy. I continued talking to God and, with the help of a devotional, continued to learn God’s words. Going to FAC’s Youth group has definitely been a big part of my journey. It’s shown me that being a follower of Christ can be a fun adventure, and it’s given me opportunities to meet and learn from new people. Now, I’ve finally decided to take the next step to strengthen my faith. I trust that God will continue to guide me as I learn and grow.”


“My walk with Jesus started with a promise given by my parents when I was a baby. This continued on with my promise to Him throughout my life. I accept Jesus died for me and because of Him, I am saved, and by His grace, I’m forgiven. I would like to reaffirm my promise to God and will continue to walk alongside Him in life’s journey.”


“I was the only one in my family who was not baptized as my parents had gone to church regularly when I was young. They were never able to have me baptized after I was born, and it was one of my mother’s biggest regrets. With my better half, I attended several services and small group meetings. In doing so, I have found a better understanding of Jesus.”


“14 years ago, my grandpa brought me to DiscoveryLand, where I loved and accepted Jesus into my heart as my Saviour. After I started attending, I was able to lead my mom to FAC, and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour as well.”


“Before I knew Jesus, I was very alone. Even when I was not alone, I felt alone. I have always had a curiosity and strong feeling toward God, even as a child.

I was not raised in a religious household but started attending a Christian Church in 2015 after years of trying other denominations. I instantly felt emotional and even cried during the service. I realized I was where I needed to be.

Jesus has changed me. He has taken me from a sad, lost, lonely single parent to someone who has hope. He guides me, He listens to me, He is there for me.”

Psalm 27:10:

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”


“I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour when I was at DiscoveryCamp. Jesus has given me a reason to live. I want to be baptized because Jesus did and he wants us to do so too. My favourite scripture is Joshua 1:9″:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


“I accepted Jesus when I started church when I was 5 years old. Jesus helps me with my math when I am frustrated. I want to be baptized because I want people to know I have a special relationship with Jesus. My favourite scripture is John 15:12”:

“Love each other as I have loved you.”


“Before Jesus, I thought I was happy, but I only realized how wonderful life is after I became a Christian!

When one of my kids went to Heaven all too soon, I realized I would not see her again. I spoke with a pastor and they led me to Christ. Somehow, I felt so free!

I go to church every Sunday and joined a Bible study group. I feel I am learning so much about the life of a Christian, and life is so much more meaningful than where I was years ago.”

John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish, but have enteral life.


“I got to know more about Jesus through the Alpha course. Before I met Jesus, life seemed to be purposeless. However, after I met Jesus, I found peace and I know that Jesus has plans for me.”


“I grew up in a church but I found Jesus again once I became pregnant with my son and have been attending ever since.”


“My life before Jesus felt meaningless without a sense of purpose or direction. Jesus is the only way and I had no other option. My relationship with Jesus is still young, but I have renewed hope for life. Life is worth living with Jesus in it.”

John 11:12:

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”


“My spouse grew up with the church, and after having our children, we decided to make the effort to find our way back to our faith.”


“Before, when I didn’t know Jesus, I did not know the answers to life and who He was and His story. Now that I know Jesus, I want to know more about him because I want to be like Him and how he was with the other people.

I chose Jesus as my way of living because He was kind to people. He let them be a part of a life with Him and so I want to live my life with Jesus for the rest of my life. Now, I know the true meaning of life. I now know what it’s like to have a warm heart and to always be kind to others. I want to show people why I choose Jesus as a way to God and for eternal life!”

Because we are made new in Christ, we are free to walk into all that He has for us! If you would like to get baptized, our next baptism weekend is November 19/20!

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