July 27/28, 2024

Welcome to FAC (First Alliance Church)! Here are this week’s news and announcements: 

¡Bienvenidos! Para traducir el sitio web al español, busque el icono de la bandera canadiense en el menú principal (esquina superior derecha).

This Weekend: Outdoor Baptisms

Every day, we choose who we’re becoming. In 2020, the self-help book industry was worth $10.5 billion. It’s obvious we want to be the best version of ourselves … the question is, is the version we’re chasing making us more like Jesus? The best part is that our sanctification – our becoming more like Him – isn’t reliant on our own strength.

Ask for Prayer

Need to Know

Outdoor Baptism Service

This Sunday, July 28, at 2:30 pm is our churchwide outdoor baptism service at Policeman’s Flats! FAC, this is our chance to come together as one big church family and celebrate those demonstrating their faith and trust in Jesus. Put a reminder in your phone, pack up those lawn chairs and sun hats, and we’ll see you there!

FAC Prayer Night

Imagine the transformative power when we’re all praying … Our next churchwide prayer night is this Wednesday, July 31, at 7:00 pm! Let’s set apart a few hours this week to listen for God’s leading and to pray for one another. Join us at any of these locations:

DiscoveryLand Summer Serve

Summer is your chance to invest in the lives of FAC kids. It’s not too late to help out in DiscoveryLand for Summer Serve! (And don’t worry; you’ll be with a trained classroom leader who knows the ropes.) Just choose a weekend in August, your campus and your preferred age group, and we’ll follow up with you!

I Can Help!


Embracing God’s Story

“Growing up was a bittersweet time in my life. My story began in Linden, Guyana where I was born to a single mom. I grew up in a household with seven other siblings. While my mom was not a Christian, she insisted that we attend church every Sunday. Our household was one of chaos, laughter, sadness, and loneliness. My mom, being a single parent, had to leave home early and get back late every day, leaving the older kids to take care of the younger ones—which did not always work well. Fear and hunger often ruled. It was during those times that my little mind would start searching for something to hold on to…” Read the rest of Rhoda’s story on the blog:

Read Blog

Giving Update

Thank you for fuelling our mission of joining Jesus in the renewal of all things through the people and resources of FAC! Here’s a look at our finances as of July 21:

Fund Target for July 31 Received YTD Required by July 31
General $340,185 $208,150 $132,035
Missions $48,800 $40,117 $8,683
Capital $19,500 $11,765 $7,735

Give Now

Have questions about giving? Learn more here or contact Karen Wong for assistance.