Weekly Update

Welcome to FAC (First Alliance Church)! To translate this website into your preferred language, look for the Canada flag drop-down in the main menu (top-right). Here are this week’s news and announcements:

February 15/16: Child Dedications

How often do we remember that it’s “better to give than receive” in our everyday lives? Imagine how we could join Jesus if we intentionally planned space in our budgets for generosity …

Ask for Prayer

Coming Up

Check the Events page for a complete list of upcoming opportunities across all FAC campuses.

Journey to Us: Marriage Conference

Looking for the path to a stronger marriage this year? Expert speakers from Focus on the Family Canada bring the transformative Journey to Us marriage conference right to you; spend the day investing in your marriage at FAC Deerfoot on February 22, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Cost: $100 per couple, which includes 2 workbooks and Biblically based interactive sessions with psychologically sound tips, strategies and advice. Register now.

Business as Missions

Have you ever wondered how you could live “on mission” with Jesus by how you run your business? What would it look like to operate with a Kingdom focus? Register for a 1-day Bootcamp on February 22, 9:00 am-3:00 pm at FAC Deerfoot to explore this concept. Cost: $20 (includes food and your workbook). Learn more about Business as Mission Canada and sign up today!


My Journey into Care Ministry

My journey into Care Ministry started about 3 and a half years ago. A person contacted me about her friend who also attended FAC. The friend’s husband was ill with cancer and in hospice care. My contact wanted to know if the church could provide support. She later reported that her friend had said nothing at all about her own needs…she’d said, “My husband is lonely. He’d like more visitors.”

My initial thought was that I should try to arrange a pastoral visit. I contacted Pastor Ray; he was incredibly responsive…I gave him the name of the individual and he said, “I’ll go and visit him today.” I was so impressed with his response! But I couldn’t ignore a voice inside me saying, “Why don’t you visit him?” So, I responded, “Yes, I’ll do that. I’ll plan to do that.”

Read the rest of this story on the blog this week:

Read More

Giving Update

We love being a church that is all-giving toward our mission of joining Jesus in 2025! Here’s a look at our current finances as of February 9:

Fund Target
(to Feb. 28)
(to Feb. 9)
(by Feb. 28)
General $5,386,720 $3,128,933 $459,247
Missions $750,000 $456,218 $46,682
Capital $300,000 $224,828 ($23,827)
Care $282,000 $226,003 ($37,003)
Total $6,718,720 $4,035,982 $445,098

 Give Now

Have questions about giving at FAC? Learn more here or contact Karen Wong.