“In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal.” (Robert Karris, Eating Your Way Through Luke’s Gospel). Lent is a great time to have conversations about food as we try to fast and pray because meals are full of significance. Whether it’s thankfulness for God’s provision or friendship around a table, meals can become a place of connection and even worship. In the stories we’ll journey through leading up to Easter, Jesus is either the host or the guest at the table. Regardless, He welcomes everyone to the table!
What would happen if we all tried to open our homes to someone for a meal – or even just a coffee— who maybe we wouldn’t normally think to share a meal with? What if we shared lunch or had a neighbor over for soup and buns? Here’s a Colombian Chicken Rice/Arroz Con Pollo recipe from Harvest Ministries Director, Ricardo Medina, to help inspire us as we think about having someone new at our table!
Desplácese hacia abajo para la versión en español!
Colombian Chicken Rice/Arroz Con Pollo Recipe

Photo by Rook of Arts on Unsplash
Here’s What You’ll Need
- 2 cups of white rice
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 3 chicken breast
- 1 white onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 red pepper, chopped
- 1 carrot, sliced
- 1 cup of peas
- 1 cup sweet corn
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 teaspoon cumin powder
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fresh coriander leaves to decorate
How to Make It
- In a large pot, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until golden brown on all sides. Remove the chicken from the pot and set aside.
- In the same pot, add the onion, garlic, paprika and carrot. Sauté for a few minutes until tender.
- Add the rice and mix well with the vegetables. Cook for a couple of minutes until the rice is lightly golden.
- Add the chicken broth, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot and cook for about 20 minutes or until the rice is tender and has absorbed the liquid.
- Add the peas and sweet corn. Mix gently and place the reserved chicken on top of the rice.
- Cover the pot again and cook for another 10 minutes or until the chicken is completely cooked.
- Remove from heat and let sit for a few minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
Arroz Con Pollo (Colombiano)
- 2 tazas de arroz blanco
- 4 tazas de caldo de pollo
- 500 g de pechuga Campollo desmechada
- 1 cebolla blanca, picada
- 2 dientes de ajo, picados
- 1 pimentón rojo, picado
- 1 zanahoria, en rodajas
- 1 taza de arvejas
- 1 taza de maíz dulce
- 2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal
- 1 cucharadita de comino en polvo
- 1 cucharadita de paprika
- Sal y pimienta al gusto
- Hojas de cilantro fresco para decorar
- En una olla grande, calienta el aceite vegetal a fuego medio-alto. Agrega el pollo Campollo y cocina hasta que esté dorado por todos lados. Retira el pollo de la olla y reserva.
- En la misma olla, agrega la cebolla, el ajo, el pimentón y la zanahoria. Sofríe por unos minutos hasta que estén tiernos.
- Añade el arroz y mezcla bien con los vegetales. Cocina por un par de minutos hasta que el arroz esté ligeramente dorado.
- Incorpora el caldo de pollo, el comino, la paprika, sal y pimienta al gusto. Lleva la mezcla a ebullición y luego reduce el fuego a bajo. Cubre la olla y cocina por unos 20 minutos o hasta que el arroz esté tierno y haya absorbido el líquido.
- · Agrega las arvejas y el maíz dulce. Mezcla suavemente y coloca el pollo reservado sobre el arroz.
- Vuelve a tapar la olla y cocina por otros 10 minutos o hasta que el pollo esté completamente cocido.
- Retira del fuego y deja reposar por unos minutos antes de servir. Decora con hojas de cilantro fresco.
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