DiscoveryLand Grade School
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In DiscoveryLand Grade School, kids in Grades 1-4 discover Biblical values through fun large-group worship and teaching and connect with screened volunteer classroom leaders and other kids their age through small-group activities during weekend services at the FAC Deerfoot and FAC Southwest locations.
Family Picnic: You’re Invited!
February 7, 2025
5:30-7:30 pm, FAC Deerfoot
*Registration Required*
Looking for something fun to do with your kids? You can dress your kids in their favourite colour (optional), bring a blanket and picnic dinner, or buy hot dogs or chili at the Bistro and enjoy indoor fun along Main Street at FAC Deerfoot!
Learn More / RegisterWhat are we learning this month?
February Theme: Made – Discover Who You’re Meant to Be!
Virtue: UNIQUENESS—Learning more about yourself so you can make a difference.
Overview: Have you ever thought about what makes you … you? We all have different backgrounds, families, or favourite colours. We all enjoy different sports, foods, and vacations and have different friends and experiences in life. Even twins have different fingerprints! Together, all of those pieces make up who we are. But we can’t understand who we are and what we were created for without understanding how God sees us. Every single one of us was created in the image of God. But even as image bearers, we were created as unique. There is only one you, and this month, we have the chance to explore how God can use the ways we were created to make a difference.
Monthly Memory Verse:
“How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.” Psalm 139:14 (NIrV)
Bonus Verse:
“We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us.” Romans 12:6a
Giving Back
We believe it’s important for kids to practice offering a part of what we have back to God as a thank-you for all He’s given us! That’s why we have seasonal offering projects that kids can give towards that fund, sharing hope and practical support with other kids and families in our community and worldwide.
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