Discover purpose and joy in marriage!
Through programs at FAC and resources through partnering organizations, The Relationship Fitness Centre® is here to help you embrace God’s big perspective and vision for you as a couple – whether you’re seriously dating, engaged, looking for marriage enrichment, or navigating a marriage crisis. Connect on Facebook!
Need a Date Night?

Friday, February 14, 2025
7:30-9:30 pm
FAC Deerfoot Auditorium
Come prepared to laugh as comedians Andy Beningo & Leland Klassen create a night you won’t soon forget, including a live game show and so much more!
Tickets: $20 per person; doors open at 7:00 pm
Journey to Us: 1-Day Marriage Conference
February 22, 2025 | FAC Deerfoot
9:00 am-4:00 pm
Earlybird: $80 per couple (until January 22)
Regular Rate: $100 per couple
by Focus on the Family Canada
Starting Your Relationship
Don’t spend all of your energy just planning the wedding – make plans for your marriage!
- Before We Say I Do – marriage preparation course
- First5 – small group for newlyweds married less than 5 years
- Next5 – small group for couples in years 6-10 of marriage
- Marriage Mentoring – including a resource from Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
For information about weddings at FAC or having a pastor officiate your wedding, please contact Anne Freeman.
Strengthening Your Relationship
Proactively grow your relationship through these programs:
- Blended Families
- Dynamic Marriage
- Marriage Enrichment Retreat hosted by Focus on the Family Canada
- The Marriage Course
- Weekend Getaway hosted by FamilyLife Canada
- Marriage Mentoring
Supporting Your Relationship
- Online Marriage Studies
- CouplesLife Monthly Newsletter (sign up / view archives)
- Recommended Reading
- Ask for Prayer Support
Staying in Your Relationship
Help and hope for your hurting marriage:
- Marriage 911 – faith-based support to help you survive and thrive, even if your spouse is unwilling.
- Hope Restored – a marriage-intensive experience from Focus on the Family Canada
- Separated and Waiting, God’s Way
- Riding the Waves of Tribulation in Your Marriage, God’s Way
- Before You Divorce
Radiance Society – when you experience family and domestic violence.
*NOTE: If you’re in immediate danger, call 911 or the 24-hour Family Violence Info Line: toll-free 403-310-1818 (in Alberta).
FAC and The Relationship Fitness Centre® are co-founders of The Calgary Marriage Network (YYCMN). We’re happy to let you know when any of the above classes and resources are being offered somewhere else in the city when our classes become full or end for the season here at FAC.
Need additional support in your marriage? Although we’re unable to provide counselling, we can offer couples an appointment with a Congregational Care Pastor who can provide biblical principles and pastoral care for your marriage and recommend the next steps for continued community and support. If you’re interested in making an appointment, please contact Anne Freeman / 403-258-8290.
“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.” (Romans 12:9-10)