In the Bible, Jesus makes it clear that being baptized is part of the process of becoming and growing as His disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). On November 23/24, we celebrated with 29 men, women, and children who went public with their decision to be disciples of Jesus! Here’s what a few of them had to say about their baptisms.
Arianne Fuellos
I was baptized as an infant and was taught about Jesus my entire childhood. While I have always seen Jesus as my Saviour, I have felt a pull towards getting baptized each time I attended baptism weekends at FAC. Since attending FAC over the last 3 years, I have felt the Holy Spirit moving in me more and more.
I would like to get baptized to re-affirm that, as an adult, I believe that Jesus is my Saviour and that I commit to living a life fully committed to Him.
I believe that this is part of my spiritual growth. That it will fill an unsatisfied feeling that neither food, material things, or my long list of to-do’s won’t fill. A part of me is afraid that I won’t come out of the water feeling what others have felt, or that I fail to commit my life.
But, it’s time I stop questioning and trust in what He has planned for me.
Lochlan Henry
I grew up in a Christian family and I learned about Jesus, but I never really actually knew what it meant. One day at church we learned about asking Jesus into our hearts and then I did it but I still didn’t really know what it meant. Then I went to Camp Chamisall and I had that feeling when God is speaking to you.
I have a better relationship with God and Jesus and I have a bigger urge to tell people about God and I know He is real.
I want to get baptized to confirm my relationship with God and because even though I have a relationship with God I want an even better relationship with God. When God spoke to me I felt like I needed to get baptized.
Kaden Froese
My parents have always talked about Jesus to me and we have read the Bible together. At the age of 5 I asked Jesus to come into my heart after my mom read the book, “Come Into My Heart, Lord Jesus” to me.
I can’t imagine my life without Jesus. Even when I sin He is still there for me and He never lets me down.
My favourite Bible verse is Matthew 28:19 which says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Lukas Roseke
I learned about Jesus since I was little and I believe that He is my Lord and Saviour. Praying helps me feel better and I’m grateful that He died for our sins. I want to get baptized because I want to follow Jesus. The parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32) is my favourite Scripture.
Eleanor Van Herk
On November 19, 2016 (age 3) I said, “I love Jesus. Can He come live in my heart?” Then my mom told me about sin and forgiveness and prayed with me in the kitchen. Jesus has made me kinder, better, and stronger. I want to get baptized because Jesus lives in my heart and the Bible says when you believe in Jesus you should be baptized.
My favourite Scripture that is meaningful to me is when Jesus rises from the dead story. When the angel says, “Why are you looking for the living with the dead? Jesus isn’t here, He’s alive!”
Follow @faccalgary on Facebook or Instagram for more baptism photos from November 23/24, 2019!
Next Steps
Baptism is a one-time, public declaration that shows you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Want to know more about getting baptized? Contact Pastor Heather Brown, or join us for the Preparing for Baptism evening info session.