FAC, in collaboration with Ambrose University and our Western Canadian District Office is offering Foundations for Ministry Seminar.

FMC – October 18 – 19, 2019
First Alliance Church
Personal Formation and Development: Stress and Soul Care
Rev. William (Bill) R. McAlpine, PhD.

Course Description:
For far too long, leaders within the Church have made the unfortunate assumption that people have an innate knowledge and ability to care for themselves properly and develop on a personal level even in the midst of stress. This course makes no such assumption but is based on the conviction that people can be taught the importance personal formation and development and that there are methods that can make such development accessible. In addition to content on what personal formation and development looks like in a Christian’s life, major portion of this course will be dedicated to enhancing an understanding of the nature of stress, or more accurately distress and assisting students to develop responses that will not only allow them to cope with distress but grow in their personal formation and development in the midst of it.