
January 7/8, 2017

Series: Let's Talk About Sex


What are we Talking About?

They say sex sells ... The marketing and entertainment industries understand that human sexuality is sure to have impact - whether it shocks us or entices us. What's behind the power of desire? Why is desire part of how we're wired? What does the Bible say about it all - and is it still relevant in 2017?

Conversation Starter

To get things started this week, let's answer the following question:

As you grew up, was sex primarily presented to you as a beautiful or bad thing?

Digging Deeper

Praise & Prayer Points

Share what God is doing in your life and spend some time praying for each other’s prayer requests.

  • How can we help one another in our group?

  • Who else (outside of our group) needs our help? How can we help them?

  • Who should we pray for today?

Daily prayer guide

In this series