Transforming Grace

June 8/9, 2019

Series: Romans - Season Two


What are we Talking About?

Who am I? It’s a question a person can spend a lifetime trying to answer. Does our genetics or the dynamics of our family of origin determine who we are? Do our choices and experiences? How does our identity impact the culture that surrounds us? How do we function within our culture in a way that’s true to who we are — inside and out?

Conversation Starter

To get things started this week, let's answer the following question:

As a teenager, how susceptible were you to peer pressure? With the way you dressed? How you acted?

Digging Deeper

Praise & Prayer Points

Share what God is doing in your life and spend some time praying for each other’s prayer requests.

  • How can we help one another in our group?

  • Who else (outside of our group) needs our help? How can we help them?

  • Who should we pray for today?

Daily prayer guide

In this series